Laws and Lawmaking

Board Bills, City Charter, City Code and Revised Code, Ordinances, and Resolutions.


On this page you will find links to and explanations of the different types of laws in the City of St. Louis, roughly in order of introduction to codification. Board bills are introduced by aldermen, board bills that pass and are signed by the mayor become ordinances, new ordinances are added to the city code twice a year. The city charter contains the original laws from 1914.

Board Bills

Legislation is introduced by Aldermen in the form of a Board Bill. After being read before the entire board, Bills are sent to a committee for study and recommendation. If the Board Bill makes it out of committee, it is sent back to the entire Board for perfection and final passage. Approved Bills are then sent to the Mayor for signature or veto.


Resolutions are usually for two purposes: to express consensus on matters of public policy, or for internal administrative purposes. Resolutions are not laws, as they differ fundamentally in their purpose. However, under certain circumstances resolutions can have the effect of law.


After a Bill is adopted by the Board of Aldermen and signed by the Mayor, it becomes a City Ordinance. Look up City of St. Louis ordinances by number, title, keyword, or topic.

City Code

The Revised Code of the City of St. Louis is a compilation of ordinances which are generally enforceable throughout the city. Although ordinances are adopted throughout the year, the Code is only updated twice a year.

City Charter

The Charter of the City of St. Louis was adopted by the vote of the citizens on June 30, 1914. The Charter can only be changed by a vote of the people. Since 1914 various parts of the Charter have been changed. The Charter Commission makes recommendations for changes to the City Charter on a recurring basis.

Executive and Health Orders

Links to active mayoral and public health orders.


More information about City government and legislation.


Board of Aldermen

(314) 622-3287

1200 Market, City Hall, Room 230
St. Louis, MO 63103

Monday - Friday 8 AM - 5 PM

Contact the Board of Aldermen

Office of the Mayor

(314) 622-3201

1200 Market, City Hall Room 200
St. Louis, MO 63103

8 AM - 5 PM Monday through Friday

Contact the Office of the Mayor

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